Wednesday 2 February 2022

Taijiquan's Three Axes

One of the most basic requirements that Taijiquan players must be aware of is the three axes that support and balance the body when standing - in the up and down direction, in the front and back direction and in the left and right direction.  These three dimensional supports are:

1. An up-down suspend and pull that is created by “ lifting the top”; through the actions of the toes gripping the ground and the mingmen and navel forming a central plate from which the upper and lower parts are “pulled” apart. 

2. A front-back spring load that is created by the actions of drawing in the kua and containing the buttocks;  enabling the pelvis to tilt down and the muscles to be stretched to the right tautness.

3. A left-right complementary opposing force that is created by the action of wrapping the knees and rounding the crotch; the lower part of the legs rotate inwards to allow the knees to wrap and fix, whilst the upper part brace outwards to round the crotch.  

In this way, the body possesses a contradictory yet unified control force in the upper-lower, forward-backward and left-right dimensions.

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