Thursday 2 January 2020

Training Taijiquan Power

The power of Taijiquan is not just about strength. It is a comprehensive and integrated quality. It is strong and soft power generated by the coordination between internal consciousness (intention) and external movements. This power is changeable and flexible. Therefore, the improvement of power cannot only rely on training methods that increase the body strength. Training involves a holistic approach; not only to increase strength, but also to incorporate consciousness. In Taijiquan it is the consciousness that expedites power.
There are often misunderstandings about power training in Taijiquan, that it comes from fast and hard movements. In fact, contained within the process of form training in taijiquan are the potentials and intentions of power that are not often obvious. The theory says: "Taijiquan is a needle hidden in silk floss; gentle yet firm”. That is to say, although the external movements are gentle and slow, the internal support force is strong. The power of Taijiquan is embodied in the slow and gentle movement through the coordination of the different parts of the body under the direction of intention/consciousness. This is the kind of internal power training required.
To improve the overall skill of Taijiquan, the most fundamental is to improve the integration of the body’s frame and movement with the mind’s intention. That's the reason why through the generations Taijiquan masters practised the routines for a lifetime.

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